Talleres para músicos continuan en septiembre!

Talleres para músicos continuan en septiembre!

Talleres de Técnica Alexander para Músicos serán los sábados 7, 14 y 21 de septiembre en Natural-mente en Movimiento, Villa Pueyrredon. Contactame a info@discoverease.how para reservar tu lugar. Es un honor ser invitada a dar un taller de Salud postural para arpistas...
Letting go of strain and stress workshop in Helena

Letting go of strain and stress workshop in Helena

Easy techniques for reducing strain and stress that you can apply to every activity in your life! Letting go of strain and stress July 20 1:00 – 3:30 at Music Makers Conservatory, 1016 W. Custer Ave. in Helena, MT Early-bird rate $35 until 7/12. Contact me at...
New Alexander Technique class in Polson

New Alexander Technique class in Polson

I’m starting a new Alexander Technique class in Polson! Come join us to reduce pain, strain and stress with gentle movement for greater ease of movement, balance and range of motion. Get more benefit and enjoyment out of movement and all your activities by...
Unfettered by delusions of perfection

Unfettered by delusions of perfection

I learned a couple particularly helpful lessons at fiddle camp last week, and I’d like to share one with you today. It was when banjo and guitar teacher Clark Wyatt said that all of his favorite humans and musicians embody one thing, and that is that they are...