I’m lazy!

I think that I like the Alexander Technique because I’m lazy! I don’t want to use more energy than necessary. I like the idea of minimum effort for the maximum result. The Alexander Technique doesn’t guarantee us any particular result, but it does...

Soy vaga!

Creo que me gusta la Técnica Alexander porque soy vaga! No quiero gastar mas energía que lo necesaria. Me gusta la idea del mínimo esfuerzo para lograr el máximo resultado. La Técnica Alexander no nos garantiza ningún resultado, pero sí nos abre la puerta a nuevas...
Alexander Technique group class summer 2016

Alexander Technique group class summer 2016

Fridays at 19:15 join us to explore, investigate and play. We observe our habits and investigate the relationship between the stimuli of our daily lives and our automatic reactions, exploring possibilities of letting go of unnecessary effort in all our activities. We...